Thank you for visiting AHAVA FASHION

Your privacy is important for us. We will collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us through the contact form.



We do not use "persistent" web cookies. Persistent web cookies are defined as web cookies that can track "the activities of users over time and across different web sites.

Session cookies, the kind used on this site, automatically expire when users leave a site. Session cookies retain information only during the session or for the purpose of completing a particular online transaction, without any capacity to track users over time and across different web sites.


Emails and Web Forms

Personally identifying information that you provide by email in the web form will be used only to respond to your questions or comments replying your message or send information or products to you.

The information that you facilitates to us will be incorporated into our database.

We do not sell or distribute any personal information to third parties.